Shahjahanapu's Profile

Age: 40

City: Chadpur

State/Province: Chittagong

Country: Bangladesh

Education: Masters degree

Religion: Islam

Career: Business/Entrepreneur

Marital Status: Never Married

Profile Rating: 3/5

I always like and try to speak and listen truthfully and simply.

There will be no benefit in thinking, but I think it is better to thank Allah with satisfaction for what He has given, because Allah has put many people in a worse condition than me. If I were in his place today?

I am the chief executive of a company, we have branch offices all over Bangladesh with branches in different countries, my sitting office address is uttara sector # 04 till now.I have grown up to be restless and mischievous since my childhood. I believe that life in this world is very short, " Half life passes before understanding the meaning of life"....

So I think it is wise to enjoy this beautiful moment of life for as little as possible. And I am a ruler in the afterlife, so I think it is my responsibility to do that religious work. All in all I consider myself a happy person. For your kind information that My father died in 2015. Both my parents are educated and noble families. My mother is now a housewife, we are two brothers. My elder brother and me. My elder brother has a daughter. My brother is working as finance and admin head of a multinational company (Marks and Spencer).

My father's home is in Chittagong city and the address below is local permanent and mother's home is Chandpur.So, my home district and parmanant local address is Chittagong Town, East Nasirabad. Thana# Khulsi.