Sakirulalamsakil's Profile

Age: 34

City: Ailly

State/Province: Lorraine

Country: France

Education: Ask me later

Religion: Islam

Career: Engineering/Architecture

Marital Status: Ask me later

Profile Rating: 3/5

Name : Sakirul ALAM
Gender: Male
DOB: 14/07/1988
Religion: Muslim
Marital status: single
Nationality/Citizenship: France/Bangladeshi
Father's Name: Samsul ALAMcHe is in the hereafter)
Mother's Name: Naznin MunnicHousewife)
Height: 5.9
Hobbies: traveling. Sports
Education: Bachelor of Computer Applications Erasmus University Rotterdam, in the Netherlands
CGPA: 7.5
Job: Quality Control Engineer
Siblings: One younger sister only
Curent Address: 4 Allee de l'Arche Courbevoie, 92400 France
Home Address : Dhaka Teigaon South Nakhalpara
Key Skills
• MS Office
• Visual Basic
• C. C++
• Java, HTML
• MS-Access