nibir0066's Profile

Age: 27

City: ঢাকা

State/Province: ঢাকা বিভাগ

Country: Bangladesh

Education: Bachelors degree

Religion: Islam

Career: Marketing/Sales

Marital Status: Separated/Divorced

Profile Rating: 3/5

Hello there, I'm an individual who values honesty and reliability, as my closest friends would describe me as a dependable risk calculator. I'm a blend of introvert and extrovert, so I enjoy both quiet moments and social gatherings. I'm looking for a partner who can share this balance with me.

Religion plays a significant role in my life, and I believe it's important for my partner to share the same spiritual beliefs. I also value physical appearance in a partner, as I believe it's part of the overall attraction in a relationship.

Traveling, cooking, and watching anime are some of my favorite hobbies. I love exploring new places, trying out new recipes, and getting lost in the world of anime. I've always wanted to learn paragliding, and I hope to cross that off my bucket list soon.

While I'm open to the prospect of migrating for love, it's a decision I'd prefer to consider thoroughly when the time comes. My ultimate goal here is to find my ideal match, someone who complements me and shares similar values and interests. I believe that love is a journey, and I'm excited to embark on this journey with the right person.