mustafizur1234's Profile

Age: 27

City: Sherpur

State/Province: Dhaka

Country: Bangladesh

Education: Masters degree

Religion: Islam

Career: Engineering/Architecture

Marital Status: Never Married

Profile Rating: 3.5/5

Personal Details:
Height: 5'5", Weight: 77KG, Date of Birth:1st June 1997 (according to certificate) / 23 January 1994 Real Birthday, Blood Group: O+(positive), Religion: Muslim, Marital status: Unmarried, Linguistic Skills: Bengali, Chinese, English, Arabic, Hindi & Urdu.
Contact Information:

General Education
 Masters of Engineering in Management Science and Engineering:2022-2024 (expected)
Department of Industrial Engineering, Tsinghua University (one of the top University in the world)
 Bachelor of Engineering in Mechanical Engineering: 2018-2022
School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, China University of Mining and Technology
CGPA- 4.25/5 (Average 90%) ranking 1st in class
 Diploma in Engineering in Marine Engineering: 2012 -2016
National Institute of Engineering & Technology
CGPA- 3.83/4.00 ranking 1st (distinction in entire institute)
Islamic Education
 Mawlana (Darul Hadith) دار الحديث: 2012
Jamia Siddiqia Madrasa, Sherpur
 Sharh Jami شرح جامي
Al-Jamiatul Ahlia Darul Ulum Moinul Islam (Hathazari Madrasa)
 Jamaat Kafia جماعة كافيا
Indilpur Hamius Sunnah Qawmi Madrasa
Family Details:
• Father’s Name: Saiful Islam, Retd. Teacher
• Mother’s Name: Bilkis Begum, Home maker
• Golam Rabbani, Bachelor’s in Management (2022), Yangtze Normal University, China
• Anisur Rahman (Hafiz حافظ), Studying Mawlana, Dhaka
• Riaz Uddin, 12th grade, Milestone College, Dhaka
• Hossain Ahmed, grade 11th, BAF Shaheen College Dhaka
Business and Asset:
• Entrepreneur and CEO of an IT firm which has around 60 full time employees. The firm also provides skill development training to local youth. Besides co-operating with overseas industries & companies.
• Bought a 8-katha plot at Manda Green Model Town recently.
• Have 2-acres of property in the hometown.
• Have a healthy amount of ba

Career and Goal
In pursuit of my career, I have a clear vision and goal. I am dedicated to building a successful and fulfilling career that not only brings personal satisfaction but also contributes positively to society. I aim to continuously improve myself, acquire expertise in my chosen field, and work towards professional excellence. Ultimately, I aspire to be a reliable and supportive partner, capable of balancing a successful career with a harmonious family life, ensuring a bright and prosperous future for my life partner and our family. As one of the best universities in the world, most of the alumni of my school work for renowned companies like BMW, Tesla, Mercedes, and Toyota. However, I have realized the fact that working in an environment with less space for religious practice will affect my ethics and personal life. Because I am trying my best to practice my religion wherever I go and keep my “Deen” 100% pure. So, even if I am sure to have great opportunities here in China, I am planning to go back to Bangladesh to pursue my professional career. Even in Bangladesh, I am ex