Mirzasayful's Profile

Age: 30

City: Dhaka

State/Province: Dhaka

Country: Bangladesh

Education: Masters degree

Religion: Islam

Career: Marketing/Sales

Marital Status: Never Married

Profile Rating: 3/5

DOB:1st of December 1993
Height: 5.6
Educational Background :
Masters in English (2016)
Professional Details:
● Assistant Manager (January 22,2023 to Till)
● Edison Real Estate Ltd.(Edison Group)
● Company Location:Rangs Babylonia,246,Bir Uttam
● Mir Shawkat Sarak,Tejgaon,Dhaka.
● Department :Sales Department.
Present Address: House # 13, Road # 18, Sector # 12, Uttara, Dhaka - 1230. Permanent Address: Vill: Ganganagar, P.O: Shaldanadi, P.S: Brahman Para,

Brief Description of Sayful:
Alhamdulillah, Sayful has a very respectable people personality, which makes him very popular within the family and relatives. He is a very family orientated person and has an excellent caring nature. He is looking for a similar life partner to be blessed with his future journey.
Travelled:India (Delhi,Agra,Ajmeer,Rajasthan, Jeiselmer,Joypur,Ladakh,Kashmir,Kalkata),
Malaysia,Singapore Indonesia & Thailand.