Mdrifatnahid's Profile

Age: 28

City: Bremen

State/Province: Bremen

Country: Germany

Education: Masters degree

Religion: Islam

Career: Engineering/Architecture

Marital Status: Never Married

Profile Rating: 3/5

Hello. My name is Nahid. I’m currently doing my Master’s in Control Microsystems Microelectronics in Germany. My home address is in Bangladesh. . My father is a retired High school Head Master and my mother is a Government Primary School teacher. We are 4 brothers. Among them I’m the youngest. My elder brothers doing some businesses and they all live in. We are pretty much of a middle class family. I have completed my bachelor from a Bangladeshi renowned University and My study interest was Electrical and Electronic Engineering (2020). My skin color is bright brown and my height is 160cm. Though I don’t believe in physical descriptions. I’m a Muslim. I love music, travel, Books, stories, friends, movie, home plants and so on.

I’m looking for a Bride who is simple and kind heart. Skin color doesn’t matter. Has studied or studying in University or Medical college or university college. Also willing to stay abroad. Work willingness after marriage is her will. I expect she also has similar Hobbys as I do. But not mandatory.