mdferdaus's Profile

Age: 38

City: Cork

State/Province: Cork

Country: Ireland

Education: Bachelors degree

Religion: Islam

Career: IT/Telecommunications

Marital Status: Separated/Divorced

Profile Rating: 2.5/5

Assala Mu Alaikum,

You lovely lady, I know you are out there living the life to complete the deen, we will find each other soon Insha Allah ????????

Life is small but beautiful,we only get one chance,make it worthy in the Halal way

Lets get ready for Akhirah


I’m an Irish grown;
Sylhet, Bangladeshi born;
Mixed accent,
Dublin loving, Cork living.
Nature and adventure loving,
Kind and Positive thinking ????????????
Looking for partner to live the rest of the life in peace ✌????for duniah and akhira ????????

Allah has blessed me with a beautiful daughter, however relation between her mom and I didn’t work out hence we got separated and eventually divorced.

Life is a journey, various platforms that we travel through our ultimate destination is Jannath via grave, we have to die in order to obtain The Heaven. Its a test for every soul, and I’m seeking for the person (Beloved Wife) who would permanently reside in the Heaven with me Insha Allah ????????

What am I looking for:

Family: You belong to a good family (upbringing is matter here, do you value family? What does that mean to you?

Your look: a face which fears Allah, a chastity which is covered and protected from shaithan

Education: Doctor, Lawyer, Software Engineer, Pilot, Teacher, Astronaut, Retail Assistant and Etc do not mean anything to me, if you can understand and read the Quran, if you can maintain the life according to the Hadith, that would suffice.
(If you are bragging about your professional career and you think you have gained so much then don’t match; you haven’t got the certificate of Heaven yet, have you?) ????

Your Current Marital Status: divorced/ widowed/ single / annulled these are all accepted.

Already have Kids? I can guarantee that I will not be able to replace their Dad’s Love, but I will be standing still to provide full support for your and our kids IA ????????

Procreate: I would expect ‘Yes’ til the production system works fine. I’m not here to enjoy few years after marriage then convince baby, I want to enjoy the conjugal life with kids Insha Allah (if you know what I mean)

Joint family: you won’t have to worry about living with in laws, I live alone in Ireland. Our home would comprise by you and I and our children. My Mom lives in New York, so we will be visiting her every now and then (2-3 times in a year)

Relocation: ideally I would prefer you move to Ireland, I would appreciate if we can start our conjugal life here,
but I’m open for consideration, I don’t mind place like Birmingham, New York, Michigan, Texas, or Dubai for instance. This can be discussed later.

Hijabi/Nekabi: Yes please ????
This is for your own protection.

Characteristics attributes: kind, soft hearted, grateful, obedient, loyal, chastity, sweetness, supportiveness, humility, emotional, devoted, warmth and most importantly Pious.

Mortgage: I would prefer to stay in a rental accommodation than committing haram mortgage or anything to do with interest.