islamsifat's Profile

Age: 27

City: Dhaka

State/Province: Dhaka

Country: Bangladesh

Education: Bachelors degree

Religion: Islam

Career: Accounting/Finance

Marital Status: Never Married

Profile Rating: 3/5

Personal information of groom
 Name: ISLAM
 complexion: fair
 present address: Japan
 raised and born: Dhaka
 hometown: Munshiganj
 marital status: never married
 religion: Islam
 height: 5.8

Education qualifications
Major: International Business Management [2018-2022]
 Institution: Yokohama college of commerce [Japan Yokohama]
 Hsc:2015[Dhaka imperial college]
 Ssc:2013[Mohanagar ideal school]

Job information
Private job holder in Japan
 Company name: invest eight [real estate company]
 Position: sales department
 Place: iwate prefecture,kitakami
Family details
 Father: Businessman
 Mother: homemaker
 Siblings:3 brothers and one sister
 Sister: married and housewife
 Brother: complete HSC now trying to go Japan for higher study
 Brother: class 9

About groom:
educated, friendly and religious
Loves to travel、responsible

Expectation from groom
 Honest, caring, friendly, loyal, do 5 time prayers
 Age range: 20-24
 Height 5.3or 5.4
 Married status: never married before
 Those who want to settle abroad preferable