Ashrafulnayeem123's Profile

Age: 25

City: Bashurhat


Country: Bangladesh

Education: Bachelors degree

Religion: Islam

Career: Business/Entrepreneur

Marital Status: Never Married

Profile Rating: 3/5

Name : Ashraful Nayeem

Date of Birth : 15th November, 1998

Height : 5’-5”

Blood Group : O+

Educational Qualification : (BACS) Bachelor of Computer Science
Swinburne University of Technology Australia Sarawak Campus, Malaysia
Bangladesh International School and College, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Dhaka Board 2016
Bangladesh International School and College, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Dhaka Board 2014
Occupation : Businessman in Saudi Arabia

​​​​ Al-Namr Building, Al-Batha, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Father : Hafiz Ullah
Businessmen in Saudi Arabia
Mother : Golnaher
House Wife
Siblings : The Candidate has 1 sister and 2 brothers.
Elder Sister – Sharmin Akter Ripa (Married)
Husband: Anowarul Kobir Riaz
Address: Abu Bokkor Doctor Bari, Kobirhat, Noakhali
Occupation : Banker
Ass. Manager at Southeast Bank, Bashurhat, Noakhali
Younger Brother- Robiul Islam Fahim
CSE (Hons) Computer Science Engineering Final Year
American International University (AIUB)
Younger Brother- Abdul Aziz Tamim
HSC Candidate 2024
Present Address : Hafiz Plaza, 4NO. Ward, Bashurhat Pouroshova , Companiganj, Noakhali.
Permanent Address : Fazlar Rahman Pondit Bari
Vill: Charkali, P.O: Char Fokira,
P.S: Companyganj, Dist: Nahakhali.
Grand Father : Late. Abdur Rashid
Grand Mother